Business Logic

Risk2009™ is open architecture and structured by occurrence rather than claim. This provides for flexibility in the use of the system. Through our years of claims management experience we have found that the occurrence structure is the only accurate way to track the total cost of an accident.

Claim types 
Risk2009™ manages multiple types of claims (Workers Compensation, General Liability, Auto Liability, Auto Physical Damage, Inland Marine Cargo, Loss of Service/Revenue, etc.). The occurrence structure gives a balanced approach between claim types without being overly influenced by one type of claim.

Claim units: 
Different units of claims and the financial cost of those units are tied back to both the individual claim and the occurrence. The system accommodates an unlimited number of claim units including Medical, Rehabilitation, Death, Employers Liability, Bodily Injury, Personal Injury, and Property Damage.


One occurrence can have many exposures
One exposure can have 
many claims
One claim can have many units (Med, TPD, Legal, BI, etc)
One unit can have many financial transactions